Thursday, 9 August 2012

UK Unites

We have waited for seven years, listening to the negative media about how London just wouldn't be able to cope, we're not well equipped, couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery, it should have gone to France etc. But now it's here and almost over with, I personally would like to give a heart felt handshake to the people involved in making this an entertaining success.

To all those media misfits who were hellbent on ruling off the Olympics as a total waste of resources, I guess you are now feeling rather foolish. Ok so the shops and attractions haven't brought in as much tourism as we had wished for, but it has brought in so much more - compassion, hope, a united front and above all pride in our country.

The UK has had such bad press and there's been so much doom & gloom, what with the recession and last years riots, it's actually refreshing to see people in a good mood with a smile on their face.

It's the English way to be humble and we've always been overshadowed by other competition, but it's almost like we've turned a corner and can say, 'yes we are good, we've trained hard and we damn well deserve some recognition for it!'

I'm under no allusion that this will last once the games are over and it won't be long until everyone has their commuter faces on again, but for now, it's a step forward & I'm quite proud to say I am a londoner.