Wednesday, 11 August 2010

Another 5 Minutes.......

I'm laying in bed curled on my side, duvet pulled up around my ears and the cat taking a nap by my feet, when my early morning dreams are rudely awakened by the drruu,drruu,druuu.......drruu,drruu,drruu of my alarm clock.

I roll over take one look at the time and make a mental note of 'what was I thinking?' before hitting the snooze and saying 5 more minutes.... The reason why I'm making a mental note of what time it is, is because I have set the alarm an hour earlier for 5:30am to be able to get up and go out for a jog before getting ready for work. The only problem is my 5 more minutes normally ends up as 50 more minutes whilst continually hitting the snooze button and grumbling something along the lines of 'aaruughhh tooooooo earrrrlyyyyyyyy' into my pillow.

This is the routine I have found myself in over the last 5 weeks as I continue to wrestle with my consciense over what I should be doing and what I can actually be bothered to do. Now last year I had got into the habit of going jogging 3 times a week and kept it up religiously until it started getting extremly cold as winter set in, followed by the snow, then a bout of swine flu. By the time I recovered and spring started rolling around my body had got far too used to the extra hour lay-in and refused to be roused at an un-sightly hour.

I find that I have now come to a crossroads where I can either admit defeat and embrace my bodies demand for that extra hour of sleep it so obviously is craving, or do I continue to live in denial that one of these days I am actually going to get up when the alarm comes calling and put on my trainers to pound the street.

I have come to realise that I will never be of the fitness level to compete in the London Marathan but I also like to think that I am not that lazy that I am in danger of becoming a real life Waynetta Slob. I was quite proud of the fact that I did a 10 mile hike on Sunday, most of which was uphill, even though I had to literally drag myself home from the station at the end of the day and am still suffering from it three days later - the shame!

I have got into the mind-set of thinking I'll do it tomorrow, although at the rate I'm going my tomorrow will end up being in 2011. I guess there is only one thing for it - to pre-set the alarm that little bit earlier so I can actually have my 5 more minutes..........


  1. The bloody snooze button! The bane of my life! I used to do the whole early morning run! Try doing an evening one instead, you may not be able to run as far or for as long, but it is better than nothing!

  2. I'm glad I'm not the only one suffers with the snooze function in the morning! I may well have to take you up on your advise laughing man as it is better than nothing! :)
