Friday, 22 October 2010

Wishing my life away.....

Do you ever get moments in your life when you feel you are just wishing your life away, without really realising you are doing it?

I am sitting here on a Friday afternoon, having wished this moment could have come three days ago, pleading for the weekend to land and also for payday to hurry up. It's not like I'm not contented with my job role - I am actually, as far as job roles go, quite happy with what I am doing. I work for a small company so get a wide variety of job tasks to do, but at the same time spend my time clock watching and wishing it would go that bit faster.

Ever since I got back from my travels I feel like there is something missing from my life. It's almost like my little personal world has stagnated and is missing that all important 'oomph' to get up and go with a bit of zest. I know it's out there somewhere, but just don't know what the missing 'bit' is!

The more I try to think about what it is I actually want, the more confused I get. Like last weekend for example - I've been saying for ages now that I just want a bit of peace and quiet, with a lazy weekend at home and no responsibilities. But once I got it, I realised I didn't actually want it, finding that I was profoundly bored by Saturday afternoon.

I wish I had a fairy godmother to grab me by the scruples, give me a firm kick up the proverbial and open my eyes to what it is I actually want and feel I am missing from my life. Either that, or a large glass of vino and a chocolate bar should do the trick of a quick fix until I can actually figure things out.......

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