Monday, 14 February 2011

Live and Learn.....

We read about it all the time in the papers and review the yearly statistics, but you never think that you will be one of the unfortunate souls who has their identity stolen - but unfortunately it appears that I am now classed as one of the statistics.

Why anyone would want to steal my identity is beyond me - I can't say I have a particularly exciting life and I'm sure if they asked nicely enough I would say they was welcome to it.......

These things are all about the money I guess & even though I know there are some right dodgy characters out there, I can't help but think what I would feel if I was in their shoes - how do they sleep at night? They clearly do not have a conscience, which I guess is how they can live with being so callous.

Even though I don't have any concrete evidence I'm fairly certain I know who has done this - which in some ways is worse. If it's a case of having your details stolen online or if you've been careless, you know it's nothing personal & you just have to deal with it. But when it's someone you've actually invited into your home you can't help but feel that much worse - this is someone you thought you could trust who has violated your personal space and has been totally dishonest.

I've spent the last few days looking back to see if in hindsight I've perhaps overlooked something and missed a glowing beacon somewhere, but truth be told I don't think I have. I honestly don't think it's me being a bit dipsy - if anything, just too trusting.

The more things that are coming to light, the more I just have to laugh at it. Although it is very serious and isn't actually funny, you just have to laugh at the bare face cheek of someone who not only takes out credit in your name but also sets up direct debits from your own account to pay for these dodgy cards said person is spending on.

I'm sure karma will come back around to catch up and take a massive chunk out of their life, but for now I have just few seldom words to sum up the situation - what a 24 carat arsehole!

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