Blog two of the writing diaries, here we go!
Last time I mentioned that I had thought out a story line and was working on the characters and investigating the facts to go into my novel.
Thanks to the wonderful technology of Google (and lack of public library in my home town) I have been able to make some vast progress on investigating my setting scene and surroundings for the novel and have come up with a bullet-point summary for the main characters who will be acting out the story itself. I have even mapped out the different chapters and what content will go into each section.
So having come thus far, I decided it was time to switch on the laptop and make order of these thoughts going through my head to start typing out the opening scene.
The first three paragraphs came easy enough, my creative splurge doing most of the work for me. But after paragraph number four, I found myself slowing up and having to think of how to phrase what I wanted to say. When writing a blog it's so natural and free flowing as you are putting order to the chaos of thoughts and events that have already happened. With writing, you're trying to conjure up and imagine the scenario along with the thoughts and feeling associated with that character. It is definitely a lot harder than you can ever imagine!
It probably didn't help that it was quite late at night and I was half falling asleep at my laptop whilst listening to X FM and the snoring of my lodger in the room next to me.
Maybe I should best leave the week nights purely for researching and do my writing of the weekend, once I'm fully refreshed and focused on what it is I'm trying to say.