Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Society says no....

Every time, without fail. I could put money on being asked the million dollar question that is so evidently burning on people's lips whenever I go out socially with friends. 'So, you got yourself a nice fella yet? Not seeing anyone?' which is normally followed by 'Poor you, are you ok with that? Why not?' like it's some sort of disease to be single!

After two years of doing the round of these questions, I am slowly running out of witty remarks to keep people at bay, and am starting to wonder if it would be socially polite of me to say piss off and mind your own business?? Surely there are bigger things going on in life to fascinate my friends more than the state of my love life. Apparently not, if not Saturday night has got anything to go by.

After being asked the same question by about 15 different people over the course of the day, it was starting to grind on me and I found it more difficult to keep the irritation from my voice. Is it so hard to just speak to someone as an individual?

I did find it quite funny how I got showed countless pictures of 'friends of friends' on facebook who were single, asking if I wanted to get set up on dates with them. I even got told by one person 'he's not much of a looker, but he's loaded!' and then failed to understand my sarcasm when I said, 'well that settles it, score! Phone him now.......'

The creme de la creme came at the end of the night when the best mans very drunk girlfriend decided - without telling me - that she was going to invite someone back to my room to spend the night with me. Apparently, it's not the done thing to go home to an empty bed when I'm surrounded by men. Needless to say, I was a little shocked when I got someone saddling up to me, practically trying to dry hump my leg thinking he had scored. It was a pretty picture telling him down boy! being a little confused as to why I was saying no to him.

Ah well, I guess you just have to laugh at these things. They say life is meant to test you, but I must remember that it is not socially acceptable to smack smug people in the face, especially in public.......

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