Friday, 6 May 2011

Patience Is A Virtue

As the good old saying goes, 'Patience is a virtue'. I am vast coming round to the notion that this really doesn't apply to me and whoever came up with such a stupid proverb deserves a hardy clip round the head.

Seriously, patience is not a virtue - not when you've been holed up for the past month incapacitated by a dodgy knee, itching to get back out into the world of self punishment, aka, exercise! Now the weather is getting nicer, I am tortured everywhere I go of super fit people out jogging, or cycling or just plain walking.

I want to join in so badly, I actually think I am getting adrenalin withdrawal symptoms. My muscles feel like jelly and it is getting to the point where I may have to start breathing in to get my button done up soon, how shameful. As much as I am ready to go, my knee is still saying no. It is not fun when your walking along and you have a hot pain flaring up into your thigh, or when all of a sudden your knee just buckles underneath you out of protest. The latter option is also rather uncool when you've stopped at a traffic light and end up landing yourself propped against the person next to you. This is when you hope a cheesy 'sorry' smile and fluttered eyelashes will stop them shouting abuse at you.......oh dear!

It feels like this last week has been going backwards since I had my MRI scan, waiting for the results to say 'yay' or 'nay'. The worst thing of all is knowing that even when I get the results, even if there is nothing fundamentally wrong, it will still take at least another 3-4 weeks to be able to do some serious damage control and regain a certain amount of flexibility and staminer.

Hopefully soon I shall get the answer I want, then this lard arse will be a depressed chubby couch potato no more. Oh, woe is me! In the words of Marjory at fat fighters club, "Dust anyone?!"

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